"The origins of crème brûlée (pronounced krehm broo-LAY) are very much in contention, with the English, Spanish, and French all staking claim. The Spanish have taken credit for this sensuous custard as "crema catalana" since the eighteenth century, while the English claim it originated in seventeenth-century Britain, where it was known as "burnt cream" and the English school boys at Cambridge demanded it. It apparently wasn't until the end of the nineteenth century that common usage of the French translation came into vogue, putting it on the map from Paris to Le Cirque in New York City. Its wide recognition today seems to have given the French credit for inventing crème brûlée. "....Debbie Puente.
Crème brûlée (French for "burnt cream"; pronounced /ˌkrɛm bruːˈleɪ/ in English, IPA: [kʁɛm bʁyˈle] in French) is a dessert consisting of a rich custard base topped with a layer of hard caramel, created by burning sugar under a grill, or with a blowtorch or other intense heat source. It is usually served cold in individual ramekins.
The custard base is normally flavoured with just vanilla, but it can be enhanced with chocolate, a liqueur, fruit, etc. Sometimes the hardened sugar on top will be given a Maillard reaction, or caramelization, by igniting a thin layer of liqueur sprinkled over the top.... Wikipedia.
The custard base is normally flavoured with just vanilla, but it can be enhanced with chocolate, a liqueur, fruit, etc. Sometimes the hardened sugar on top will be given a Maillard reaction, or caramelization, by igniting a thin layer of liqueur sprinkled over the top.... Wikipedia.
On Sunday son H made some crème brûlée and here I wanted to share the recipe with my readers.......
300 milk
100 ml whipping cream
50 g castor sugar
4 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
4 tbsp brown sugar
In a saucepan combine whipping cream, milk and sugar and slowly bring to a boil. Remove from heat.
In another bowl, whisk the eggs and add to cream mixture together with vanilla essence. Mix well til blended and strained.
Pour the custard into ramekins. Then place ramekins into baking tray. Pour enough boiling water to baking tray enough to come half way up the sides of ramekins.
Place baking tray in a preheated oven and baked at 180 degrees Celcius for 30 mins til custard is set.
Remove from oven and leave to cool and refrigerate til ready to serve.
To serve, sprinkle a layer of brown sugar on top of crème brûlée and grill under a broiler or use blow torch to burn til caramelize.
That looks really delicious. I really love creme brulee. I haven't had this for years now. When I was working part time in a restaurant in UK, I always get to eat it for free. I sure will try this recipe. Thanks..
shern's mom - This is really a nice dessert. You should try making it yourself as it is not too difficult. Lucky me got to eat it without any effort..*smile*
Hi Jasmine, Holy Smoke! You sure churning out postings faster than I can catch up, ha ha.
Good for you anyway.
Have fun, and keep well, Lee.
That's look so yummy. my mouth is very watery ready.....
Thanks for the recipe.
Hi Jasmine, I suddenly remembered I forgot mention about your beautiful cake. Looks so delicious, can get the lovely smell here too, ha ha.
But regret I am not much of a cake lover. The only cake I go gila over are those X'mas fruit cakes, sometimes eating them after keeping 4 months in fridge too. I love them.
And X'mas we do receive two or three from friends, my wife has to hide them or else they disappear very fast into my tummy, ha ha.
Apart from that...I only love Nonya kuehs...lucky the ladies here most are expert Nonya cake experts...
kueh bingka, kueh lapis, kueh ko chi, etc. Lee.
lovely cream brulee!!I wanna some ,pls!
wow..... looks yummy and good la!!
Wow..it looks lovely :)
u.lee - Hi, Lee...it seems I am only churning out bits of food but you are churning out long stories of yesteryears which is of course more time consuming. Love all your stories. Keep up the good writing.
exceldream50 - Hi, thnaks for dropping by...everybody loves dessert...try this..
u.lee - Hi Lee,..thanks for the nice compliment. Oh, you love fruit cake..ah? That's nice too especially if kept for longer period. I used to make it too sometimes. Next time make one for you too drool over..and those nyonya kuihs..plenty here in Penang.
Looks great! I love creme brulee, never failed to order it at one of the restaurents that we frequent.
Is he going to open a restaurant? So talented, like his mum.
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