Do this sounds familiar to you?.......
Guy A has just finish his business appointment with someone whose office is somewhere in a block of flats unfamiliar to him away from the main road. After driving out less than a hundred yards into a narrow lorong or street while trying to find a way out into the main road, Guy A realise that he is on the wrong direction on a one way street after seeing the position of the parked cars along the street. So he quickly turn into the nearest right lane to turn back. As he was reversing to turn back 2 uniformed policemen on 2 motobikes were right at his side window and signal him to get out of the car. Guy A show them his identity card and told them he is not familiar with the streets here and he is trying to find his way out. Instead of showing this poor guy out the 2 policemen ask the guy " APA MACAM?" meaning " WHAT NOW?" For those who understand the word "APA MACAM" will know its true meaning. Guy A will be thinking like this....to give or not to give.......give means I was being robbed.....don't give, I have to be summon to court which will cost even more and my precious time. These "APA MACAM" robbers knows what they are getting. There is no right way out for those "fishes" they have trapped or caught. You and I know the ending........
sigh....i think APA MACAM robbers will forever exist
I met them on my way to Malacca and KL. The North-South highway. :(
They want Sing dollars don't want RM.
at least they still offered to help u ..... in not getting a summon ...... hahaha
Beautiful Life - yeah, we cannot live without them too...
Eastcoastlife - Wah, sure they know which $$$ is better. U speeding on the NS highway? ha.ha.
Johnny Ong - They are smart enough to help us and themselves too.
Johnny Ong - They are smart enough to help us and themselves too.
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