Hi, I back here again after nearly 3 weeks of home imprisonment with no shopping or food indulgence which I hope to end in a few more weeks. With just the living room sofa and my bed as the resting place with my eyes glue to Astro Channel 703 most of the time I have been craving for some nice sweet cakes. With sons busy working their heads off I have to make myself one with the help of the lazy maid of course. Lazy because when I mention I wanted to make a simple cake she pull out a long face which did not put me off my mission either. So here comes out the cake with me weighing all the ingredients and the maid holding the mixer while I put in all the ingredients. Here is to share how I make a cake with some butter, flour, eggs, sugar and an orange. Easy peasy for someone who should be resting as much as possible after a major surgery. In fact I already make it twice as the first piece 5 days ago was eaten up by me during my teatime.
When the sugar and butter have a soft white colour its time to add in eggs. Just add in one first, mix well for a minute, then add in another one, mix again and add the next egg. Mix well and add in the orange juice and rinds and beat for a minute on high speed. After that, lower the speed and add in the sifted flour in 2 to 3 stages mixing til well combined. Pour batter in a 20cm round tin which has been oiled with butter or lined with greaseproof paper. Pop into preheated oven of 170 degrees Celcius for about 40 to 45 minutes. Take out and cooled on a rack. To test whether the cake is ready just use a tooth pick or a knife to prick into the centre of the cake and when it comes out clean and dry it is ready. If there is still wet batter sticking on the knife just bake it another 5 minutes til cook.
Surprisingly I have not put on extra kilos after all these 5 meals a day. My body must be depleted after the operation.
Note: Oh, just for my buddies info, my test result comes out clean and healthy with no maglinancy. Thank the Good Lord and all your prayers for my safe recovery.
Note: Oh, just for my buddies info, my test result comes out clean and healthy with no maglinancy. Thank the Good Lord and all your prayers for my safe recovery.
still considering whether i shud buy a new oven. if i buy an oven, i will tend to bake cakes as mrs and kid love cakes. n everybody will put on weight. have to think abt it first.
You are so amazing! Recovering and still baking! Don't overdo it, OK! Glad to hear that the test results are clean.
Thanks God that you're recovering well!:)
Hey! Do you really need to tempt me with those orange cake? kekeke! Can send some to me ah?:P
Nice cake you have there...expecting to see more food review in time to come... but do make sure you have plenty of rest too. It is indeed a relieve to hear the good news from you.
Phew...I am so relieved to hear about your test results. You know lah..now where I work (volunteer) so I am extra paranoid about such things..But try to go organic and eat less outside foods, less chicken,....ok ok, I should stop nagging. Hahaha. Rest well, ok?
Eh, you can join us food bloggers gathering kah? Would love to meet you. Ask Lingzie for details, ok?
Looks good! I made orange butter cake few days ago but couldn't post it because I did a mistake and my cake sink down in the middle!
PS: Glad that your result was cleaned. *happy dance* :)
Bengbeng- Don't think abt it bb, just get an oven as you will not regret it. Putting the kilos aside yr little boy and mrs bb will get to taste yr baking which is part of a lifetime experience which will be cherish and remembered by them.
Kess & Mama - Yeah, sounds crazy but I am doing ok so far. Just cdn't wait to be back as well as happy with the test results which has been giving me some sleepless nights.
Kok - I am indeed blessed to continue my journey on this earth and enjoying my time with buddies like you. Keep bring the smile to my face.
The cake so tempting? why not make some to satisfy yr palate...
ck lam - Would love to share some with you some day when I am all well. Just could not resist myself from food but will be careful at the same time. So relief for me too after the long wait and knowing that I will get to meet up with you ladies in the future.
lilian - It's truly a great relief to hear the words ' no significant...' or something like 'all is well' during the follow up...its like you have been given a new lease of life..ha.ha.
I understand yr volunteer work,lilian, and at times I thought of consulting you if my time is near and just thinking what you have to say to comfort me:} Guess now you feel relief too to have one less soul to face. Anyway I am so glad to hve you over here.
Little corner of mine - Looks like we are coming up with the same food again. Our taste are so alike.
Hope yr next bake will be ok.
That looks like a yummy cake. Glad that you are alright :).
glad to hear that you're fine but try not to overstrain yourself, ok?
btw, thanks for dropping by.
glad to hear abt positive medical report. enjoy life while u can
co-incidentally, I baked a cake three weeks back. Got the recipe from video jug.With christmas coming around, cake baking will be in full swing. Yours looks yummy.
Graciemei- Care to have a piece? Thank God I'm back to my usual self.
Life Ramblings - thks for being here too. Will keep in touch.
Johnny Ong- Will love to appreciate life more after this.
Miss Stymie - Hope u have a good time baking for Christmas. Thks for the visit.
I love orange cake too... so simple yet nice. Your maid sounds like one pain in the neck yah?
I am encouraged that a simple recipe for a cake could looked so good. Gonna try baking it !
Talking abt maids .. aiya, the one looking after my elderly mom is also very lazy. First thing in the morning, she make herself big breakfast, watch TV, slowly tidy up the house b4 she go to market to buy food for my mom. Within 1 month, she put on so much weight, my sis had to take her to shop for new clothes .. can u imagine ? When she left after 2yrs, we compared foto's taken FORE n AFTER n she has definitely grown 3x the size ! Remarks abt ur maid made me recall this particular maid - LOL.
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